Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Major Rant

I seriously do not understand the point of having a "in memory" sticker on your car with the person's name and birth and death and all that shit. What is in memory of them? The car? The sticker? Seems to me people put it on there to make other people feel sorry for them. Like, you know what, I'm not gonna blast my horn at you after you cut me off because you have one of those stickers on the back of your car. It really bugs me!!!!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Almost too Good to Be True!

I have a habit of searching recorded 911 calls on youtube.  I have recently introduced one of my best friends to this wonderful phenomenon.  Any time I need a pick-me-up I listen to the funny and outrageous ones.  Like the call where a woman called 911 because her 12 year old daughter was out of control and she needed the police. The operator said to her "Do you want us to come over and shoot her?."  That shit is funny.  Here is the link for my favorite 911 call of all time:


Obviously, it's tragic that this woman's son was decapitated but it's funny that she's laughing about it!

Monday, March 21, 2011

The First of Many

I was asked in a recent job interview, "What do you do to relieve stress?".  Some people exercise (on my to-do list), knit or crochet, or talk to friends.  I used a combination of those usual responses but afterwards, I realized I truly did not have a concrete answer.  

This blog will become my source of stress relief.  I read the local obituaries every single day.  I look at the ages, careers and family members mentioned.  It may be morbid to some but it's absolutely fascinating to me.  I love reading weird and tragic news stories as well.  

So, I'm going to start this off with the most bizarre story I've ever come across.  It's from 2 years ago but it is definitely a favorite.  I'll let you read the story for yourself or you can just watch the video.  Summarizing it makes me sound like I'm too insensitive. 

Article: http://www.turnto23.com/east_county/19473681/detail.html

Video: http://www.turnto23.com/video/19477111/index.html

It's probably bad that I find this so amusing but I can't help it! C'mon, eating your kids eye ( muscle and all) then hacking away at your ankle with a pickax in your neighbor's backyard?? It doesn't get much more bizarre than that!